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Figure 1
Decimal point – This may be either “Fullstop” or “Comma” and whichever is chosen will appear as the decimal point in the value fields that are extracted by the BTS program
Encryption required – Yes (if this check box is ticked)/No (if the check box is not ticked). If selected, a calculated encryption will be included in the BTS file extracted for the bank.
Encryption tool directory – This is a 70 character field that may contain the full path of the encryption directory and is only needed if the “encryption required” field has the check box ticked. A browse is available to allow the user to find the path. If the path entered is invalid or the user has no permissions to the folder entered, the error as per Figure 2 will be seen. If the path entered does not contain the file “CreateSMime.class”, the error as per Figure 3 will be seen.
Java runtime path – This is a 100 character field and is optional. This field is not validated and if enterd is used to populate extract information on the BTS file that is extracted for the bank.
Bank details from ApMaster – This is a display field only. It is not enterable or updateable.
Default to ACH payment type – This is a display field only. It is not enterable or updateable.
Default country code – This is a display field only. It is not enterable or updateable.
Default ACH entry class – This is a display field only. It is not enterable or updateable.
Figure 2
Figure 3
This BTS Bank format is available for the following SYSPRO Nationalities:
- RSA (Republic of South Africa)