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Load BTS Programs onto SYSPRO Server

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BTS Executable into Base/Upgrade

To install the MAN product, follow the same process as per a SYSPRO port upgrade.
Simply unzip the downloaded file and place the executable in the SYSPRO base upgrade directory on the Server.

Login as Adminsistrator

Once that is done, logon on to SYSPRO as an administrator and the following message will be displayed as per Figure 1


Figure 1

Yesa screen as per Figure 2 will be displayed for SYSPRO 7 and earlier.
a screen as per Figure 3 will be displayed for SYSPRO 8
Nothe installation will abort.


Figure 2

This screen will list all the BTS program files and will display the SYSPRO folder on the server into which they will be placed.

The below SYSPRO 8 screen will show a summary of the package details to be installed.

Figure 3

Accept to Upgrade

Select the “Start Upgrade” button (SYSPRO 7) or “Install Custom Packages” button (SYSPRO 8) and  the associated BTS program files will be loaded into their relevant SYSPRO folders on the SYSPRO server.

Select the close button to abort the installation.


Logged out of SYSPRO

Once the installation has completed successfully, a message as per Figure 4 will be displayed and it will automatically log you out of SYSPRO.


Figure 4

Video Tutorial

You will find a video tutorial showing how to load the programs plus setup HERE

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