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Standard Bank BEFT Screen
Figure 1
Abbreviated acc name – An abbreviated acc name for your company. May not exceed 10 characters and is mandatory. This field appears on the extracted bank file as the user reference
Installation ID from – This is a 4 character field and is mandatory
Installation ID to – This is a 4 character numeric field and is mandatory
Installation gen-no – This is a 4 character numeric field and is mandatory
ACB service type – This is a 10 character field that must be selected from an available drop-down list (as per Figure 2) and is mandatory
User sequence-no – This is a 6 character numeric field and is mandatory
Contra sequence-no – This is a 6 character numeric field and is mandatory
Control sequence-no – This is a 6 character numeric field and is mandatory
ACB Service Type
Figure 2
This BTS Bank format is available for the following SYSPRO Nationalities:
- RSA (Republic of South Africa)
BEFT(Standard Bank)