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AiDPS Swazi

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First National AiDPS Swazi Screen



Figure 1

Customer ID – This is a 4 character numeric field. If not entered or left as zero, will default to “9999”. n abbreviated name for your company. May not exceed 10 characters and is mandatory

Transaction code – This may be either “40-Direct Debits” or “71-Salaries”.

Run type This field identifies the type of run. “TEST” for a test run, and “LIVE” for a live run. The bank will treat the file accordingly

Next run number – This is a display field only. It is not enterable or updateable and shows the next run number. This will increment with each BTS run

Last date run – This is a display field only. It is not enterable or updateable and shows the next run number. This field will be blank if BTS has not been run before, else it will show the date the last run occurred

This BTS Bank format is available for the following SYSPRO Nationalities:

  • RSA (Republic of South Africa)

AiDPS Swazi(First National)

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