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EFT Batch Extract / Re-extract Process

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Define the BTS Extract Destination

This program will automatically create a bank file in the format set up for that bank in the BTS Bank setup module. The bank file will be named as per the option selected by the user and will be placed in the directory that has been set up in the EFT Bank control program for that bank as per Figure 1.


Figure 1

If no directory has been set up, a validation error will be displayed and no bank file will be created. The user will need to set up the relevant directory and re-extract the batch. Every time a new batch is extracted or an existing batch is re-extracted a bank file will be created. The re-extract may be used if a supplier/beneficiary bank details were incorrect. The user may correct them in the relevant maintenance program and re-extract that particular batch.

It is important that the users that will be extracting the EFT payment in SYSPRO has access to the necessary BTS programs (explained in detail in the “Initialise the BTS System” question)

EFT Payments Extract / Re-Extract Triggers

After the SYSPRO EFT Payment Extract (or Re-extract), the associated BTS trigger program will be fired and a screen as per Figure 2 will be presented notifying the user that BTS will begin creating the bank specific format payment file.

Figure 2

Validate Supplier Banking Details

The banking details against each of the Suppliers being paid will be validated and if any entries are invalid, an error message as per Figure 3 will be shown. The user will be able to determine the identified errors by viewing the BTS detailed list of payments report.

Figure 3

BTS Detailed List of Payments Report

The user will be prompted to print the BTS detailed list of payments as per Figure 4

Figure 4

Before the BTS payment file is generated, a report will be generated showing specifics relating to the BTS payment transactions on a report as per Figure 5. This report also represents the name of the BTS payment file as created.

Figure 5

BTS File Creation Confirmation

Once BTS has created the bank specific format payment file, a message is presented to the user indicating the path and file name created by BTS as per Figure 6.

Figure 6

BTS SWIFT Batch Approval

If one of the SWIFT formats is being used, a message is presented to the user as per Figure 7 representing that the batch that has just been extracted is awaiting approval before the payment  file will be physically created. See the Awaiting SWIFT Authorisation section

Figure 7

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