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License the BTS Module

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License Option

If the user wishes to license BTS or re-license BTS, the program is found under the “Source IT Bank Translation System” – “Setup” menu as per Figure 1

Figure 1

If it’s the first time BTS is being run, Figure 2 will be displayed.

Figure 2

Contact your SYSPRO distributor or Source IT to obtain license codes.
To contact Source IT, you may email your request to cotact us via the Source IT Contact page or alternatively phone +27 11 781 4000.

By clicking on OK, Figure 3 will be displayed.

Source IT License Screen


Figure 3

Expiry dateenter the license expiry date as. To ensure correct date format, make use of the date browser to select the expiry date.
New Codeenter the license code as issued by the Source IT offices.
Savewill validate the entered values and verify if the license code is valid for the expiry date based on specifics pertaining to the SYSPRO registered company currently logged into. If deemed valid, the information will be stored as entered.
Closewill exit the program without validating the information on the screen. If the “Ignore warnings” tickbox status was modified, the new setting will be applied to the license validation process in the future.

The license process is written to provide a warning message each time it is run in the expiry month indicating the number of days until the license expires (see figure 4).

License Expiry Warning

Figure 4

The following information needs to be relayed to the relevant person who will be obtaining your license codes with the exact spelling and case (upper/lower)

  • Company
  • System
  • SYSPRO users
  • Platform (ISAM)
  • SYSPRO version (7.0)

Ensure that both the “Ignore warnings” and “Evaluation License” tickboxes have been UNTICKED.
The relevant “Expiry date” and “New Code” values must be entered and the “Save” button selected.

The BTS User Manual will explain the detailed functioning of the various BTS processes.

Import Licenses – SYSPRO 8 upward

From SYSPRO 8 and later, you may import the licenses via a supplied .CSV file.
Copy the SourceITLicenses.csv file as supplied by Source IT into the SYSPRO\Work folder on the SYSPRO server.
When you run the BTS Relicense option from the BTS Setup menu, you will observe an “Import” button below the “Variable Details” as per Figure 5 below.

Figure 5

When you click on the “Import” button, the process will attempt to import the licenses as per the SourceITLicenses.csv file and a summary will be displayed showing how many licenses were imported as per Figure 6.

Figure 6

If the SourceITLicenses.csv file is not in the SYSPRO/Work folder, the following message as per Figure 7 would be seen.

Figure 7

If the import process encounters errors on the import file, a message as per Figure 8 will be displayed and the import process will prompt the user whether to continue importing or not. Note that all the preceding valid licenses would have been updated into the BTS license file and if the user selects “No”, the displayed license and subsequent licenses would not be updated. Selecting “Yes” to continue the import would proceed with the subsequent licenses but the license as dispalyed in the error mesage would not be updated.

Figure 8

Once errors have been encountered during the import, the message as per Figure 9 would be displayed.

Figure 9

Video Tutorial

You will find a video tutorial showing amongst other aspects, how to license our products HERE

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