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List EFT Suppliers Report

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Supplier Banking Details Report Screen

This is a report listing all EFT suppliers from the AP module and beneficiaries from the CB module with their banking details. A selection can be made by Bank as per figure 1

Figure 1

This report will only print banking details pertaining to the bank format for the supplier/beneficiary. Eg. If the bank format is pre-format then only the credit line numbers will be displayed.

Supplier Invalid Banking Details – A report is produced that displays any suppliers/beneficiaries with missing banking details that will be needed for the bank file
Detailed List of Payments – This report is automatically generated after an EFT Batch is
extracted/re-extracted. It contains a detailed list of all transactions to be paid by the bank

The report provides a listing of:
– totals per supplier per invoice
– a grand total
This report should be filed for future audit requirements.

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