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Standard Bank CATS Screen



Figure 1

Payment format – Identify the type of payment used. May either be FREE-FORMAT or PRE-FORMAT. This is determined by the contract made with the bank. (CATS Manual)
PRE-FORMAT means that the Supplier banking details (Account number, Bank branch or Account type) are stored in the Standard Bank software and not against the Supplier in SYSPRO.
An alphanumeric credit-line number is used against each supplier and this must be captured in the EFT USER 1 field (“Credit Line (CATS)” as per Figure 2).
FREE FORMAT means that the Supplier banking details (Account number, Bank branch or Account type) are stored against the Supplier in SYSPRO as per normal.

Detail batch no – Must always be 1.

Contra batch no Must always be 1.

User defined reference – Identify what must appear in the reference file for the bank, either just the Supplier name or the EFT number followed by the Supplier name

Encrypt with hash algorithm – No/Yes. This new encryption was an enhancement done for SYSPRO 7 onwards

Print hash algorithm – Yes (if this check box is ticked)/No (if the check box is not ticked) if the hash algorithm must appear on the payment report

CATS (Standard Bank) extract file

The BTS extract file for the this bank format is a fixed length file (144 characters long) with 4 different record types, namely the Header, Details, Contra and Trailer records.

Figure 2

CATS(Standard Bank)

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