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Describing the BTS Solution

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System Description

The Bank file Translation System (BTS) is an add-on facility to the SYSPRO EFT module.  Designed to interact specifically with the Accounts payable (AP) supplier and Cash Book (CB)  beneficiary electronic payments process, BTS provides the user with an interface between SYSPRO and the various electronic banking payment services offered by major banking institutions.
By manipulating the SYSPRO EFT Batch outputs and creating simple import payment files, our SYSPRO customers are able to import an associated payment file into their banking institution solution directly removing the need to re-capture the payments in the banking solution.


System Overview

A parameter file containing the user’s banking requirements is created by the user at installation time.  BTS uses this file to determine in what format to supply the payment details to the given institution. e.g. CAMS and PACS are just two of the facilities offered by First National Bank.

Once the BTS system is installed and the initialisation program has been run, relevant trigger programs will be set up in SYSPRO as follows:

Validation of EFT supplier/beneficiary banking details

  • After Accounts Payable supplier added
  • After Accounts Payable supplier changed
  • After Accounts Payable supplier deleted
  • After Cashbook beneficiary added
  • After Cashbook beneficiary changed
  • After Cashbook beneficiary deleted

Creation of relevant bank file format

  • After EFT batch extract/re-extract

The initialisation program will also setup the BTS menu, program security and BTS file re-index options. It will create the relevant entries in the files required by SYSPRO that reside in the custom programs directory.

Suppliers from the Accounts Payable module and beneficiaries from the Cash Book module need to be captured in the SYSPRO master files with the relevant banking details for EFT payments. The SYSPRO EFT module allows the users to batch relevant payments together by bank for payment and allocates a batch number to them. At the time that the batch is created, a trigger program set up by the BTS system will translate all the relevant records into the specified bank format selected by the user in the BTS system.

The user will need to run the BTS setup program for each SYSPRO company that has been set up for EFT payments and capture the relevant bank formats.

The BTS program will automatically create the relevant bank files in the directory that the user has specified in the SYSPRO EFT bank control program. If the user is using BTS they do not need to tick the XML file creation option in the SYSPRO EFT bank control program.

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