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Bank Gaborone Fixed
Bank Gaborone (fixed) Screen
Figure 1
This format does not require additional Supplier information other than what is defined against the SYSPRO Supplier and stored on the BTS control files.
The created DAT file contains a Header, Transactions and a Footer record. Besides the hard coded values represented on the banking specification, the following represents how the fields are populated:
– User Code: last 4 characters of BTFCTL-BRANCH (Branch number in BTMCTL)
– User Name: first 20 characters of BTFCTL-ACCNAME (Account name in BTMCTL)
– File Creation Date: EFTBTC-ACTION-DATE (Change action date in EFT Payment extract EFTPEX and EFTPRX)
– Account Holder Name: 1st 30 characters of APSMST-NAM (Supplier Name in APSPSP)
– User Nominated Account: last 10 characters of BTFCTL-ACCNO (Account number in BTMCTL)
– Homing Branch: BFTPAY-BRANCH extracted from APSMST-BANK-BRANCH (Bank branch on APSPSP)
– Homing Account Number: BFTPAY-ACCNO extracted from APSMST-BANK-ACC (Account number on APSPSP)
– Homing Account Type: BTFPAY-ACCTYPE extracted from APSMST-BANK-ACC-TYP (Account type on APSPSP)
– Action Date: EFTBTC-ACTION-DATE (Change action date in EFT Payment extract EFTPEX and EFTPRX)
– User Reference: BTFPAY-CR-CATS extracted from EFTAPS-EFT-USER1 (Credit Line CATS on APSPSP)
– Reference Number: BTFPAY-NARR extracted from EFTAPS-STATMNT-REF (Statement reference on APSPSP)
– The footer contains all the calculated fields generated from the Transaction records to allow the file to be validated for consistency
This BTS Bank format is available for the following SYSPRO Nationalities:
– RSA (Republic of South Africa)
– BWP (Botswana)
Bank Gaborone (fixed)