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BTS Payment Approval

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SWIFT and NACHA Payment Approval

This program is only used by the SWIFT and NACHA BTS formats.

This allows the batch to be approved by the user that is running the program. Only the users that have been setup in the “Payment Approval” program for the bank in question will be allowed to approve the payment. If a level 1 has been approved and a level 2 is required, then only level 2 operators will be able to approve this payment and visa versa.

The Payment Approval button on the toolbar of the screen as per figure 1 will be available if the user running the program is allowed to approve this batch (else this button on the toolbar will be greyed out and unavailable)

Figure 1

If there are still more approval’s required for the batch in question, the Addition Status will be updated and the Payment Approval button will be greyed out.

If the batch has been successfully approved as all authorisation level users have approved the batch, selecting the Payment Approval button on the screen in figure 1 will release the selected batch and the BTS XML file will be created. The following message as per figure 2 will be seen that shows the user what the file name being extracted is




Figure 2

Check Authorisation

Highlighting a batch from the list and selecting the Check Authorisation button on the toolbar will display a screen as per Figure 3 showing the operators that have authorised the selected batch.

Figure 3

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