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Consideration When Upgrading to SYSPRO 8

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Older versions of programs in incorrect folders

When upgrading to SYSPRO 8 from an older SYSPRO version, Source IT programs that now reside in the SYSPRO 8 program and screens folders contain the previous SYSPRO version’s programs and will not function correctly.

When processing the Source IT SYSPRO 8 self-extracting executables placed in the SYSPRO\Base\Upgrade folder, the files are extracted into the following folders:
• SYSPRO8/Plugin/CustomPrograms
• SYSPRO/Plugin/CustomPrograms64
• SYSPRO/Plugin/CustomScreens
• SYSPRO/Plugin/CustomStore

There should be NO files in the following folders on either the server or the client PC that start with MAN*.*, BR*.*, BT*.* or SIT*.*
• SYSPRO8/Programs
• SYSPRO8/Programs64
• SYSPRO8/Screens

Remove (delete) any of these files should they exist.
Sign out of SYSPRO and back in and all should then be well.


SYSPRO Triggers are incorrect

Depending on how the upgrade to SYSPRO 8 was handled, the SYSPRO trigger points may be attempting to address the incorrect BTS programs.
Due to the fact that SYSPRO 8 now stores the BTS programs in the new Plugin folder and they are now GNT files, if the triggers from the previous SYSPRO version are still in place, those SYSPRO triggers will need to be deleted and reconfigured using the Source IT SITINI program.

This BTS trigger configuration process is represented HERE


There are SYSPRO 8 release specific downloads

Note that our product downloads relate to the specific release of SYSPRO 8 being used.
The current SYSPRO 8 releases may be downloaded from HERE


Upgrading from prior to SYSPRO 7 – only BTS

This is only required when upgrading from SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 and earlier after having used BTS in any version of SYSPRO prior to SYSPRO 7. Due to the enlargement of fields in SYSPRO 7, a BTS conversion program is required to be run in order to enlarge the necessary field sizes in the BTS System.

To run the conversion program, from the SYSPRO menu, select File / Run and enter BTCNV7.
Selecting OK will show an initiation screen
Selecting the Start Processing button will run the conversion of the data. Once this has been completed, summary detail screen will be displayed.

When closing the BTS conversion program after it has completed successfully, a message will be displayed and it will automatically log you out of SYSPRO.


Video Tutorial

You will find a video tutorial showing how to download our products HERE

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