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Initialise the BTS System

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The BTS programs now reside in the relevant SYSPRO directories and need to be initialised.
This program needs to be run straight after the BTS programs have been installed. It will set up the following:

  • BTS menu in SYSPRO
  • BTS programs security options in SYSPRO
  • BTS file re-indexing options in SYSPRO
  • BTS trigger programs for EFT validation and creation of bank files after a batch has been extracted/re-extracted.

To run the initialisation process the following needs to be done:

  • Login into SYSPRO as an Administrator
  • From the SYSPRO menu, select File / Run and a screen as per Figure 1 will be displayed.


Figure 1

 Next  to ‘Program to run:’ type in SITINI and press the “OK” button
A screen as per Figure 2 will be displayed.

Select Options


Figure 2

 The following options need to be ticked for BTS to be initialised successfully:

  • Create or remove menu
  • Create or remove security access
  • Create or remove re-indexing of files
  • Setup trigger points(Current company)

If any of the menu, security access or re-indexing of files already exist in the relevant files, this process will remove them.

The Source IT initialisation process will always ascertain whether a custom programs directory has been set up and will use an existing one. If one has not been set up and the System administrator does not wish to manually create one, this program will automatically create one and update the relevant fields in SYSPRO. This directory will be created as a sub-directory within the main SYSPRO directory on the server and will be called ‘cusprog’. (See Figure 3)


Figure 3

 Create or remove menu – this option will setup the BTS menu in SYSPRO as per Figure 4.


Figure 4

 If the BTS menu already exists, a warning message will be displayed to the user as per Figure 5.


Figure 5

Program Security

Create or remove security access – this option will setup the BTS programs into the SYSPRO security access menu. To deny/allow access to the various BTS programs the following steps need to be taken:

From the SYSPRO menu select “Setup” > “Groups…” then select a group that will be using the BTS system and select “Edit” and “Change…” and a screen as per Figure 6 will be displayed.


Figure 6

On the “Security Access” window, locate the “BTS Conversion System” module, tick the “Access Allowed” tickbox to give permissions to this Group.

It is important that the users that will be extracting the EFT payment in SYSPRO has access to the necessary BTS programs.

Index for C-ISAM

Create or remove re-indexing files – this option will add the BTS data files to the SYSPRO Data Dictionary so that they may be re-indexed in the same manner as the SYSPRO ISAM data files. Please note that if you are running SQL, all BTS files will still be created as C-ISAM and will reside in the SYSPRO data directory.

If the BTS programs already exist in the SYSPRO security access files, a
warning message will be displayed to the user as per Figure 7


Figure 7

To re-index the BTS files the following needs to be done.

SYSPRO 8 – From the SYSPRO menu, select to “Run a Program” or press the Ctrl + R, then enter IMPNDX and select OK button. A list of the C-ISAM data files will be displayed. Go to the end of the list and the BTS files should be listed as per Figure 8

SYSPRO 7 and earlier – From the SYSPRO menu, select “File” > “Re-index data files” and a list of all SYSPRO data files will be displayed. Go to the end of the list and the BTS files should be listed as per Figure 8


Figure 8

If the BTS files already exist in the SYSPRO data dictionary, a warning message will be displayed to the user as per Figure 9


Figure 9

Once the Source IT initialisation program has successfully completed, the following message will be displayed as per Figure 10


Figure 10

OKwill automatically log the user out of the SYSPRO session.

When running SITINI, either to create or remove options from SYSPRO, please ensure that the correct version of SITPRG, SITMEN, SITFIL and SITTRG are sitting in SYSPRO’s programs directory. There are several Source IT packages using a generic installation, one overwrites the other.

Setup Trigger Points

This option is a very IMPORTANT step to run and failure to do so will result in no bank file being created during an EFT run.
This option will set up two BTS programs at various trigger points in SYSPRO that will validate banking details accordingly and automatically create a bank file during an EFT run.

PLEASE NOTE: This option ONLY needs to be run for every SYSPRO company that will be utilizing EFT.

The following trigger points will be added to the SYSPRO trigger programs options as per Figure 11 and 12.

Figure 11

Figure 12

To ensure that the relevant trigger points were setup correctly, from the
SYSPRO menu, under the Administration tab, select on Trigger Programs. Locate the A/P Supplier Maintenance programs and the following tick boxes should be ticked:

  • After supplier added
  • After supplier changed
  • After supplier deleted

By highlighting each option and clicking on the ‘Maintain Trigger’ button, all three should be calling a program called ““ that resides in the SYSPRO programs directory.

Locate the EFT Beneficiary Maintenance program and the following tick boxes should be ticked:

  • After beneficiary added
  • After beneficiary changed
  • After beneficiary deleted

By highlighting each option and clicking on the ‘Maintain Trigger’ button, all three should be calling a program called “” that resides in the SYSPRO programs directory.

Locate the EFT Payment Extract program and the following tick box should be ticked:
After EFT payment extract
By highlighting this option and clicking on the ‘Maintain Trigger’ button, it should call a program called “” that resides in the SYSPRO programs directory.

Once the SOURCE IT initialization program has successfully completed, the following message will be displayed as per Figure 13


Figure 13

The process will automatically LOG OUT of SYSPRO. Log in again to ensure that the initialization installed everything successfully by following the steps outlined above.

Video Tutorial

You will find a video tutorial showing amongst other aspects, how to setup BTS HERE

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