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SYSPRO 7 Cross Reference

Cross Reference Maintenance Screen

A listview program as per figure 1 is available to maintain the OLD and NEW master code relationships.

From SYSPRO 7 onwards, MAN allows you to maintain the NEW Description should you wish to alter the description in SYSPRO. If you do not wish to alter the description, you should not enter a value in the New description field and the description in SYSPRO will remain as it currently is

This Cross Reference entry program allows for the entry or import of BOTH valid and invalid entries. Indicator flags are in place to quickly show any errors and along with the ability to use any of the standard SYSPRO listview functionality (sort, filter, group etc.), finding and resolving any issues has been simplified.

Figure 1

Moduleselect the associated module from the drop down.

 – selecting this save button will save the associated transactions and the validation routine will run showing the user a summary of the recorded transactions Figure 2.

Should the user have deleted more than half of the transaction prior to saving, a warning Figure 3 will be shown to the user.

 – will action the deletion of the highlighted entry in the Cross Reference Maintenance window.

Preferenceswill invoke the Manipulation Control/Preferences program.

Re-validatewill force the revalidation routine which will refresh the various status flags accordingly.

Import Fileselecting this button will present an Import File Details window Figure 5. This import option caters for importing from a Comma Seperated Value (CSV) file or alternatively the cross reference from another SYSPRO company.

Xref Reportselecting this button will invoke the Cross Reference Details Report

Clear Entrieswill bring up confirmation prompt Figure 7 before removing all entries from the listview.

If the File/Exit option is selected to close the main window, a prompt as per Figure 4 will be displayed.

Transaction rules:

  • If in the preferences, the “Validate old X-ref code” parameter has been set to “Yes”, then the Old Code MUST already exist in SYSPRO.
  • If the New Code already exists, then the manipulation will MERGE the two into the New Code and the Old Code will be deleted.
  • If the New Code does not exist as a master entry, the Old Code will just be changed to the New Code.
  • If in the Preferences, the Code Merge parameter has been set to “No”, then the New Code may NOT already exist in SYSPRO.

Status Definitions

  • Duplicate – OLD Code already exists as an OLD Code on another record
  • Circular – OLD Code already exists as an NEW Code on another record
  • Invalid – OLD Code is not found on the SYSPRO master
  • ManyToOne – NEW Code already exists on the SYSPRO master file OR more than once as a NEW Code and MERGES are not allowed
  • Blank – an OLD or NEW Code value has not been entered
  • Same – OLD Code and NEW Code contain the same value
  • Size – OLD or NEW Code exceeds the number of characters for this SYSPRO field


Saving Messages






Figure 2





Figure 3




Figure 4

Yesall lines will be saved and the process will exit

Nothe process will exit without saving any of the modifications made to the lines

Cancelthe process will not exit and return the user to the entry process as per figure 1.


Importing Cross Reference CSV

The OLD and NEW Codes as well as the NEW Description may be imported into the associated cross reference via an import process. This process allows for a Comma Separated Value (CSV) file containing the OLD and NEW codes as well as the NEW Description (should you require it) to be imported.

The user may either enter the FULL PATH of the file required for Import or they may use the browse for the file they require. If this path has been entered before and the “OK” button was pressed then that file name will appear when re-opening.

The user alternatively has the facility to copy the entries from a cross reference table previously captured for another SYSPRO company on the same server.













Figure 5

Import Fromselecting “CSV File” will allow for the info in the “CSV File” box to be entered. Selecting “Another Company” will allow for the “SYSPRO Company” code to be entered. This selection alternates the availability of the relevant fields.

File locationIf SYSPRO is being run on a stand-alone machine, the “Client” will be the only option available and the “Server” option will be disabled. If SYSPRO is being run as Client/Server, the user may select either the “Client” or the “Server” option depending on the location of the file.

SYSPRO Companyenter the SYSPRO company from which the associated Cross Refrence transactions are to be copied. The standard SYSPRO company browse is catered for.

Append Ruleselecting “Append” option will add the imported copied transactions onto the existing Cross Reference list. Selecting “Overwrite” will remove the existing list and replace it with the imported copied transactions.

OK This will validate the file and path. If it does not exist, the screen in figure 6 will appear. If the file is found successfully, the records on the file will be validated, and if correct, will be inserted into the associated Cross Reference table. The Control file will also be updated with this file name.


CSV Import Layout

Layout of the import file:
For all the MAN modules requiring the OLD Code, NEW Code and optionally the NEW description, using a product such as Microsoft Excel, place:
– the OLD Codes in the first column
– the associated NEW Codes in the second column
– the optional NEW Descriptions in the third column
and then save the spreadsheet as a CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) format which will be able to be imported into the required cross reference module.
The OLD Code must appear first and the NEW Code must appear second. Neither of these codes may exceed 30 characters. The optional NEW Description must appear third (should you wish to alter the description) and may not exceed 50 characters (please note, this only applies to SYSPRO 7 onwards). The file must be saved as a CSV (Comma delimited) (*.csv) format file. Once the file has been processed and validated, a confirmation prompt as per Figure 7 will be shown to the user to make a final decision on whether to allow the import to proceed or not.
NOTE – SPAM Layout:
The StockCode ProductClass Account Manipulation (SPAM) module requires OLD Product Class, Stock Code and NEW Product Class and would therefore require three columns with the OLD Product Class in the first column, the Stock Code in the second column and the NEW Product Class in the third column.

CloseWill close the Import screen, returning the focus to the main menu




Figure 6




Figure 7

Yeswill delete all records that have been captured in the Cross Reference Table

Cancelwill ignore the delete and return the user to the entry process as per figure 1.










Figure 8

OKwill proceed with importing the validated cross reference entries into the Cross Reference Maintenance transaction list (Figure 1)

Cancelwill abort the import process and no transactions will have been updated.


Saved Cross Reference Versions

Note that this procedure has an automatic version backup built into it.

Each time the user enters a module to maintain the associated cross reference list, the process automatically exports the existing list into a Comma Separated Value file in a folder residing off of the SYSPRO data folder on the server.

The naming convention of these backup files is ??XR_YYMMDD_999.csv where:

  • ?? denotes the module (SC = SCAM, AR = ARAM etc.)
  • 999 denotes a sequence number beginning at 001

Example: SCXR_120118_001.csv

Location example: ..SYSPRO60DATAMANSCAM (for SCAM backup files).


Evaluation License

NOTE for Evaluation license – if the MAN module being run is only licensed for evaluation purposes, the run will not be allowed to proceed if there are more than one entry (two entries for “Many to One”) in the Cross Reference. If the license is for evaluation, the following rules apply:

  • If setup is “One to One”, only a single Cross Reference entry
  • If setup is “Many to One”, two entries are permitted BUT the NEW Code for both Cross Reference entries must be the same.


Video Tutorial

You will find a video tutorial showing how to maintain the MAN Cross Reference HERE

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