NEW Bank Reconciliation System – BRSBRS-White-100px

The Bank Reconciliation System (BRS) is an emulation of the SYSPRO Automatic Bank Reconciliation module, which is found within the Cash Book Menu. Designed to specifically emulate the existing Bank Reconciliation, BRS provides the user with an interface between SYSPRO and the electronic banking statement formats offered by major banking institutions for Reconciliation purposes.
Includes “masking” rules to automatically generate Cash Book transactions into SYSPRO based on bank statement transactions that have not yet been captured into SYSPRO. This caters for aspects such as banking and interest charges.


Validation: This option will instruct the program to handle the “Import” and “Reconcile” actions in a validation mode to represent the results without updating any SYSPRO or BRS tables.
Process: This option will instruct the program to make the modifications to the SYSPRO and BRS files based on the selected settings when either the “Import” or “Reconcile” actions are selected.

Reconcile from:

All: Retrieve input data from both the BRS files and any statement files waiting to be imported for reconciliation.
New files: Retrieve input data only from any new statement files waiting to be imported into BRS.
Previously unreconciled state: Retrieve input data only from the statement transactions that were previously imported into BRS and have not yet been reconciled.

Show matching cashbook transactions:

No: When a transaction is selected in the “Unreconciled Bank Statement Transactions” list view screen, DO NOT attempt to match and display only the associated transaction in the “Unreconciled Cash Book Transactions” list view screen.
Yes: When a transaction is selected in the “Unreconciled Bank Statement Transactions” list view screen, attempt to match and display only the associated transaction in the “Unreconciled Cash Book Transactions” list view screen. This screen will be empty if no matching transactions were identified.

Reconcile deposit setting:

This setting will be used as the matching rules associated to how the transactions on the statement are reconciled against the Cash Book transactions.
Value only: Select this to reconcile transactions automatically only if the entry at the value field in the statement import file matches the entry at the value field in the Cash Book transaction file.
Value, date and reference: Select this to reconcile transactions automatically only if the entries at the value, date and reference fields in the statement import file match the entries at the value, date and reference fields in the Cash Book transaction file.
Value and date: Select this to reconcile transactions automatically only if the entries at the value and date fields of the statement import file match the entries at the value and date fields of the Cash Book transaction file.

Posting period:

Posting year: This indicates the year when the transactions were reconciled
Posting period: This is the period that will be used as the reconciling month
Selecting the Posting period button allows you to indicate the posting month to which you want to post transactions.

Process masks after reconcile:

Selecting this option will automatically run the mask procedures after the reconcile routine has completed.

Import Bank Statements

Bank format: use the browse to view a list of the available statement formats for the existing financial institutions. Select the correct format from the list.
File path: enter or use the browse option to specify the folder location of the statement files
File name: enter the full path and name of a single statement file to be imported. Leaving this folder blank will automatically import any valid files as specified in the above File path.
General Ledger code for CB: enter or use the browse option to specify the General Ledger code to be used when generating the associated SYSPRO Cash Book entry.
General Ledger notation for CB: enter a notation value to be used when generating the associated SYSPRO Cash Book entry.
These General Ledger fields are used when the user selects one of the “Unreconciled Bank Statement Transactions” in the list and selects the “Cash Book” button which will generate the associated SYSPRO Cash Book entry.

BRS Translation Formats

Bank format: The list shows the current translation formats from which the correct format may be selected. This list is constantly evolving and may represent differently in different territories.

Transaction Reports

Unreconciled Statement records: this report represents the records from the bank statement that were NOT matched to the Cash Book records as well as a reason they were not matched.
Non-translatable Statement records: all records on the Bank statement files that have been rejected will appear on the report if you have this option ticked. The valid layout records that have been rejected will have an “R” in the Type. The blank or miscellaneous layout records will have an “X” in the Type as well as XXX in all the fields as they are non-translatable.
Reconciled Cash Book: this report shows the Cash Book records reconciled against the electronic bank statement file. The number at the beginning of each line represents the physical bank statement record that has been reconciled.
Un-reconciled Cash Book: this report shows the records that remain un-reconciled in the Cash Book after the reconciliation process.
Email address when silent mode: This email is used to email the above selected reports when the BRS is running in silent mode.

BRS Information

Last batch number: the batch number of the last reconciliation process that ran.
Total withdrawals: total withdrawal transactions imported.
Total deposits: total deposit transactions imported.
Total reconciled: total transactions reconciled in the Cash Book

Unreconciled Bank Statement Transactions

Select All: will select all of the statement transactions in the list.
Deselect All: will un-select all of the statement transactions in the list.
Delete: will delete all of the selected statement transactions in the list. Only available when Function is set to “Process” mode.
Masks: will run the procedure to take the actions against all the unreconciled transactions as defined in the ”Maintain Masks” setup. Only available when Function is set to “Process” mode.
Cash Book: will generate a Cash Book transaction in SYSPRO for each selected unreconciled transaction using the “General Ledger code for CB” and “General Ledger notation for CB” above. Only available when Function is set to “Process” mode.

Unreconciled Cash Book Transactions

Selecting an entry in the list view will display the additional Cash Book details in the “Cash Book Information” screen.
Reconcile: will initiate the reconciling of the selected “Unreconciled Cash Book Transactions” against the selected “Unreconciled Bank Statement Transactions”. This process will tally up the transactions and prompt the user with a summary screen requesting permission to proceed in the case of differing amounts.
Show All: this button is used to show all of the “Unreconciled Cash Book Transactions” when the user has turned on the “Show matching cashbook transactions” option above which will automatically show a Cash Book transaction matching the selected Unreconciled Bank Statement Transaction and if no Cash Book transactions are matching, the “Unreconciled Cash Book Transactions” list view will be empty.

Mask Process

The BRS process interrogates the statement transaction’s reference and if any of the mask entries are matched, BRS will either automatically generate an associated Cash Book entry in SYSPRO or the statement transaction will be removed from the statement transaction list as the entry is unused. 
This process will cater for both the “interest earned/paid” and “sweep” entries

Mask Maintenance

BRS Mask Key Information
These 3 fields represent the key of this mask record.
Bank: enter or browse to select a SYSPRO Bank Code
Look in field: choose which of the available fields from a drop-down list that must be checked for the specified value.
Look for value: enter the specific set of characters that must be searched for in the field specified above.
BRS Mask Details
These fields define the rules to be applied once the statement transactions have been identified by the above mask key.
Description: describes this mask rule
Apply to: choose between “Deposits” or “Withdrawals”.
Action to be taken:
This setting determines the action to be taken based on the identified statement transactions as per the above mask key.
Create Cashbook Record: this option will automatically generate a SYSPRO Cash Book transaction using the General Ledger code and Journal notation entries below.
Delete Statement Record: this option will automatically delete the statement transaction entry from the BRS system.
G/L Code: General Ledger code to be used for the Cash Book journal transaction
Journal notation: Journal notation to be used for the Cash Book journal transaction

Use with confidence

Please click on the SYSPRO Version you are running for More Information and/or To Download.


Code,SYSPRO Version,Size KB,Date Updated

BRS70,SYSPRO 7.0,736,17 May 2018

BRS61SP1,SYSPRO 6.1 SP1,605,3 August 2016


DOWNLOAD Source IT Software License Agreement (SLA)
VIEW Installation and User Documentation



+ Installing or upgrading multiple Source IT packages at the same time

As each of the Source IT packages shares the same configuration procedure (SITINI), each package installation and configuration needs to be handled separately.
For each package being installed, place the downloaded package executable into the SYSPRO\base\upgrade folder, login to SYSPRO as a SYSPRO Administrator and allow for server update  to take place, log back in and run the configuration program (SITINI).

NOTE: The configuration program (SITINI) will only process the last package installation file updated onto the server.

Upgrading multiple Source IT packages to a newer SYSPRO version when they originally existed in the previous SYSPRO version does not require the configuration program (SITINI) to be run and the server update may be actioned using multiple package executables simultaneously by loading all of them into the SYSPRO\base\upgrade folder on the server and logging in as a SYSPRO Administrator .

+ Can we try out the packaged solutions

Our packaged products include a 30 day test license allowing for them to be installed in SYSPRO and used to determine whether the included functionality is adequate.
Note that our MAN product test licenses are limited to a single code or single merge.

If extension license codes are required to complete testing, feel free to contact us to arrange associated licenses.

+ How To License Source IT Programs

Whether licensing any of the Source IT packaged products or bespoke development, the license entry is to be done for each SYSPRO company as required.

Select the Source IT license option based on the process being relicensed (see the highlighted options indicated below)

NOTE: If the Source IT product menu option does not exist on your Program List, see this FAQ.



The license information is entered into the Source IT License Control screen as per image below.

NOTE: As of August 2016, the is a new “V1” license version as per the representation in the title bar. This “V1” representation will also be visible on the Source IT license report.










Expiry dateenter the license expiry date as per the Source IT license report. To ensure correct date format, make use of the date browser to select the expiry date.
New Codeenter the license code as issued by the Source IT offices.
Ignore warnings – make sure that this checkbox is unticked.  This will ensure that the expiry warning message will be displayed in the month of expiry.
Evaluation License – only tick this checkbox when the Source IT license report indicates that the license is an evaluation license.
Savewill validate the entered values and verify if the license code is valid for the expiry date based on specifics pertaining to the SYSPRO registered company currently logged into. If deemed valid, the information will be stored as entered.
Closewill exit the program without validating the information on the screen. If the “Ignore warnings” checkbox status was modified, the new setting will be applied to the license validation process in the future.

The license process is written to provide a warning message each time it is run in the expiry month indicating the number of days until the license expires as per below figure. This functionality is deactivated by ticking the “Ignore warnings” option on the above License Control screen.

+ SYSPRO Server Run Time System Message

Some of the legacy Bank Reconciliation System (BRS) translation programs do not make provision for “garbage” data or data that does not conform to the expected data formats.
In these cases, the translation processes will fail and the following represents the type of error encountered.

SYSPRO has detected a non-recoverable run time system error on the server and will shutdown immediately.

You may need to correct any problems before you attempt to continue.

Please contact your system administrator if this problem persists.

Details of the problem are
Message number: 153
Message: Subscript out of range
Program: C:\SYSPRO7\Programs\

This information has been output to a log on your server with the file name settings:\ADMIN_RTS_ERROR.TXT










The incorrect format of electronic bank statement is being imported for the selected BRS “Bank format”.

Use the correct format of electronic bank statement.
If you are not certain about the format of electronic bank statement file you are importing, email it through to us at and we will investigate and revert back to you.

+ Future of BRS

The existing SYSPRO 6.1 SP1 version of BRS now caters for the storing of the unreconciled statement transactions for future reconciliation attempts.

The current version of the BRS solution caters for the following:
– View translated statement transactions in a list view.
– View relevant Cashbook transactions that exist in SYSPRO to be reconciled in a list view.
– Option to allow automatic reconciliation (as per current).
– Cater for manual reconciliation which will accommodate:
o Matching multiple bank statement transactions to a single SYSPRO Cashbook transaction and vice versa.
o Forcing a match although values may not be identical e.g. a few cents variation or cents missing
– Allow for automatic creation of SYSPRO Cash Book transactions based on Bank Statement transactions.

And then once the advanced conversion and matching process is complete as above, we begin the evolution to include the following possibilities:
– Allocation of Bank Statement transactions against associated SYSPRO AR and AP and automatic creation of associated SYSPRO transactions.

+ When installing a Source IT product and you get a message, ‘SITCUS.IMP’ cannot be found please copy into CUSPROG folder

When running SITINI, do not tick the 4th block: “ Create or remove entries in CUSTOM.IMP”

+ Error copying message received: “There was a problem copying SITMEN.IMP from the programs directory to the customs program directory.Please check the relevant permissions and try again”

When you run the Source IT initialisation setup program (SITINI) process to setup menus etc. the routine attempts to copy the SITMEN.IMP file (and other .IMP files) into the folder you specified in the Custom programs folder

This usually relates to 1 of 2 problems:

  1. The SITMEN.IMP file is not in the program folder (put installation executable in SYSPRO60\base\upgrade folder and allow update)
  2. The folder specified in the system setup as per the screen image below has an issue (incorrect naming, permissions etc)


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