FAQ / + SYSPRO Server Run Time System Message

Some of the legacy Bank Reconciliation System (BRS) translation programs do not make provision for “garbage” data or data that does not conform to the expected data formats.
In these cases, the translation processes will fail and the following represents the type of error encountered.

SYSPRO has detected a non-recoverable run time system error on the server and will shutdown immediately.

You may need to correct any problems before you attempt to continue.

Please contact your system administrator if this problem persists.

Details of the problem are
Message number: 153
Message: Subscript out of range
Program: C:\SYSPRO7\Programs\BRSFN7.int

This information has been output to a log on your server with the file name settings:\ADMIN_RTS_ERROR.TXT










The incorrect format of electronic bank statement is being imported for the selected BRS “Bank format”.

Use the correct format of electronic bank statement.
If you are not certain about the format of electronic bank statement file you are importing, email it through to us at query@source-it.co.za and we will investigate and revert back to you.

Posted in: BRS, Technical