As each of the Source IT packages shares the same configuration procedure (SITINI), each package installation and configuration needs to be handled separately.
For each package being installed, place the downloaded package executable into the SYSPRO\base\upgrade folder, login to SYSPRO as a SYSPRO Administrator and allow for server update to take place, log back in and run the configuration program (SITINI).
NOTE: The configuration program (SITINI) will only process the last package installation file updated onto the server.
Upgrading multiple Source IT packages to a newer SYSPRO version when they originally existed in the previous SYSPRO version does not require the configuration program (SITINI) to be run and the server update may be actioned using multiple package executables simultaneously by loading all of them into the SYSPRO\base\upgrade folder on the server and logging in as a SYSPRO Administrator .
Posted in: BRS, BTS, Information, Manipulation, Technical