by admin | 6 November 2014
Our packaged products include a 30 day test license allowing for them to be installed in SYSPRO and used to determine whether the included functionality is adequate. Note that our MAN product test licenses are limited to a single code or single merge. If extension...
by admin | 5 November 2014
As each of the Source IT packages shares the same configuration procedure (SITINI), each package installation and configuration needs to be handled separately. For each package being installed, place the downloaded package executable into the SYSPRO\base\upgrade...
by admin | 15 October 2014
Identifying specific versions of each product that is downloaded by our users allows us to proactively notify those users regarding any relevant upgrades or modifications which may effect their downloaded solutions.
by admin | 18 September 2014
Due to the fact that the SYSPRO EFT module is required to be generic, allowing it to be used anywhere in the world, it is not possible for the module to address the individual financial institution’s import formats as Source IT’s GEPS/CEPS modules have in...
by admin | 18 September 2014
All our data manipulation modules have been developed to handle merging of data within a single SYSPRO company where possible. Due to the nature of differing rules associated to merging from business to business, it may be necessary to clarify these rules and even run...