When starting the manipulation process, the following message is shown as per figure 11.1:
“Data or index file missing”
“Attempting to open a file”
“IMPSQM – SQL Copy Functions …”
This is then followed by the following message:
“Due to failure with SYSPRO Bulk Copy SQL to ISAM, Program will terminate…”
We wrote a “test” routine to check these settings which is why you received the message at the end about the failure and that no data was modified.
What we have done is to test a number of things up front when doing a conversion:
• check sql login information i.e. check system admin login (SQL server setup)
• check the temporary folder has been set up for the bulk copy (SQL server setup)
• a test is done to ensure that we can connect to the datasource
• a test is done to build the path and open GENCTL (pathing will be done in ISAM or SQL depending on your company setup), and then to read the table to make sure there is a record in it
• a test is done to make sure that GENCTL can be copied from SQL to ISAM (using the bulk copy process in IMPSQM)
• a test is done to make sure that GENCTL can then be copied from ISAM back to SQL (using the bulk copy process in IMPSQM)
After running ‘SDKSQM’,copy the GENCTL to see if original error appears:
“Due to failure with SYSPRO Bulk Copy SQL to ISAM, Program will terminate…”
Solution consideration:
The temporary folder has not been configured in the company setup – SQL Server Tab . This is for the BULK INSERT and is only used when copying from ISAM to SQL. This directory is NOT on the client computer as it must be available from SQL Server. It must exist, have adequate permissions and have sufficient space available for copying of files from SQL to ISAM, as this folder is used by SYSPRO’S IMPSQM process as a temporary storage area. It must also be accessible to both the APPLICATION SERVER and SEQUEL SEVER
Posted in: Manipulation, Technical